Recently two broadly supported statements were released calling for emergency action for vulnerable artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) communities and supply chains. Both statements emphasize the increased risks posed to artisanal mining communities, including loss of livelihood, increased risk of contracting COVID-19, disproportionate impacts on women and children, and the potential for non-state armed groups to take control of artisanal mining sites. They call for immediate and concerted action from civil society organizations, governments, financing institutions, international organizations, private sector actors and others to support artisanal mining communities and to strengthen their resilience in this time of corona virus crisis.
The OECD Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group overseeing the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains adopted a Call for Action in response to the Covid-19 crisis. The Group calls for other organisations to support the call and take action. Read the OECD MSG statements here.
A more elaborate statement signed by over 70 global civil society organizations recommends various actions for a wide range of stakeholders. One of the recommended actions stresses the need for direct support of local women’s groups and associations and to ensure that they have meaningful leadership and decision-making opportunities in the delivery or implementation of COVID-19 measures as well as in matters of trade, development and security. Their leadership will also be critical to inclusive recovery. Read the CSO statement here.