Successful launch of the Guide to Gender and Mining

On 25th June 2024, Women’s Rights and Mining together with the GIZ Sector Programme Extractives and Development hosted a webinar to launch its “Guide to Gender and Mining – Issues, Actors and Initiatives”.


In recent years, the stakeholder landscape compiling actors who are engaging in the promotion of gender equality in the raw materials sector changed and expanded. While WRM and GIZ published the “Encyclopedia of Gender and Mining“ in 2019 offering a snapshot of some of the key actors, initiatives and programmes in the field of gender and mining, the new Guide to Gender and Mining builds upon the preexisting encyclopedia. It offers an updated overview of the key issues, actors and initiatives and resources in the field of gender and mining and expands the range of actors included. It was written by Sophie Rickard and commissioned by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), overseen by the Women’s Rights and Mining (WRM) multi-stakeholder initiative. The guide includes more than 80 Women in Mining organisations, 38 NGOs, 3 international financial institutions and 7 intergovernmental organisations and UN agencies, 13 national government agencies, 7 research institutions and 14 multistakeholder initiatives and industry associations.


The Guide was launched by a presentation of the author, accompanied by insights of actors who are working in the field of gender and mining:

–        Sophie Rickard: independent consultant who gained experience in the field of women and mining in her previous assignments and wrote the Guide.

–        Mauricio Winkelried: manager of Solidaridad Network’s artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) programme in Peru, advocating for the rights of women affected by mining.

–        Rosebella Osei: the Head of Strategy & Planning at International Women in Mining (IWiM), promoting gender equality through the WIM network.


Organised and moderated by WRM’s Secretariat Members Mayely Müller and Linda Weber (GIZ), the webinar was attended by a high number of participants from all over the world, which fostered an engaging discussion during the Q&A and showed the need to strengthen gender equality in the mining sector. Since there were more valuable questions than time to answer them during the webinar, WRM reached out to the speakers to ask them to answer the unanswered questions, which WRM compiled in a document here: Q&A of the launch.


WRM would like to thank all panelists and participants of the launch and is thrilled to continue its efforts fostering feminist approaches to the raw materials sector. If you have any questions, please reach out to


A Guide to Gender and Mining – Actors, Issues and Initiatives